Safety Handrail System For use with staging boards to provide a safe guard rail using a combination of…
Power Tower Nano – 4.5m WH The Ultimate in Low-Level Powered Access. Push into position, step in, press a button. Simple. Safe.…
HiViz AGR Alloy Tower – Double Width The HiViz Series TAMPER PROOF Advanced Guardrail Tower is another solution to safe tower assembly.…
R1932 Electric Scissor Lift 19ft, 5.8m (7.8m WH) R Series electric scissor lifts are a rental-ready solution for all types of job sites.…
GS3246 Electric Scissor Lift E-drive – 32ft, 9.75m (11.75m WH) The Genie GS™-3246 E-Drive slab scissor lift is suitable for work indoors and outdoors on…
Boss PA Lift 5.4m WH The BoSS PA-lift is a next generation push around scissor lift, replacing the BoSS X3…
Aluminium Hop Up 600 x 600mm The Odd Job 600 Work Platform is easy to use and store with large slip-resistant…
Skyjack SJ16 6.75mWH The Skyjack SJ16 self propelled vertical mast lift is a low maintenance design with a…
XH Nifty HR12 Boom Lift BI-ENERGY 12.2m WH The HeightRider 12 Narrow (HR12N) self-propelled boom lift is one of the most versatile and reliable machines in…
XH Genie Z45/25J RT Diesel 4×4 Boom Lift 15.9m WH Ideal for outdoor construction and industrial applications, Genie® Z®-45/25 RT and Genie® Z®-45/25J RT articulating boom lifts…
Electric Scissor Lift Short 14ft, 4.3m(6.3m WH) Designed for low-level access on sensitive flooring and space restricted applications, the Genie® GS™-1432m E-Drive…
HiViz Alloy Lift Shaft Tower The HiViz Lift Shaft Tower conforms to BS.EN. 1004 European Standard. Built with the 3T…
Stairway Podium 500 The Stairway Podium has been designed to provide a safer way of working on staircases,…
Eco Lift Work Platform The Ecolift is a game-changing access platform, created as an alternative to ladders, for making…
Hi Viz Stair Access Tower For safe access on both industrial and domestic staircases. The Hi Viz Stair Access Tower…
Hi-Viz One Man Tower 2 – 7.1m HR Height HiViz One Man 2 Tower is a tower that can be built by one man…
Aluminium Widesteps Certified to EN131-2, 2018 Professional. Wide working platform of 400mm x 600mm. All aluminium frames…
Electric Scissor Lift Short 13ft, 3.8m(5.8m WH) This compact scissor lift from JLG is lightweight and compact, making it ideal for indoor…
DeskSurfer – GlideLift The DeskSurfer is a truly versatile replacement for step ladders. Weighing only 90kg and mounted…
XH Star 10 Mast Boom 10m WH Haulotte Star 10 is a vertical mast boom is the ideal platform for difficult- to-reach…
Peco Lift Work Platform The Pecolift is a game-changing access platform, created as an alternative to ladders, for making…