The Company believes in fair and equitable treatment for all employees, clients and those applying for employment.
All appointments offered by THX Ltd and the progress of employees within it are based upon merit and not upon any consideration of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marital and civil partnership status, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, ethnic or national origin. We maintain a neutral working environment in which no employee or worker feels threatened or intimidated.
If you believe that you have been discriminated against on any of these grounds, you should inform your Manager who will investigate the matter and take any appropriate action.
diversity and Inclusion
THX Ltd is committed to encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for THX Ltd to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.
Personal harassment takes many forms but whatever form it takes, personal harassment is always serious and is unacceptable. We deplore all forms of personal harassment and seek to ensure that the working environment is sympathetic to all our employees.
Informal Complaint
If you are the victim of harassment, and you feel comfortable to do so, you should make it clear to the harasser on an informal basis that their behaviour is unwelcome and ask the harasser to stop – either verbally or in writing.
Formal Complaint
Where the informal approach was not an option, if it fails or if the harassment is more serious, you should bring the matter to the attention of your Manager as a formal written complaint.
The person dealing with the complaint will invite you to attend a meeting, at a reasonable time and location, to discuss the matter and carry out a thorough investigation. You have the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or member of a trade union, you must take all reasonable steps to attend. Those involved in the investigation will be expected to act in confidence and any breach of confidence will be a disciplinary matter.
On conclusion of the investigation, which will normally be within ten working days of the meeting with you, the decision of the investigator, and the detail of findings will be sent in writing to you.
You have the right to appeal against the findings of the investigation in accordance with the appeal provisions of the grievance procedure.
General Notes
If the decision is that the allegation is well founded, the harasser will be liable to disciplinary action in accordance with our disciplinary procedure. An employee who receives a formal warning or who is dismissed for harassment may appeal by using the disciplinary appeal procedure.
If you bring a complaint of harassment you will not be victimised for having brought the complaint. However, if it is concluded that the complaint is both untrue and has been brought with malicious intent, disciplinary action will be taken against you.
The Equalities Act 2010 defines a person with a disability as ‘…someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ THX Ltd is committed to developing, maintaining, and supporting a culture of equality and diversity in employments which means that all members of staff, and applicants are treated equitably regardless of any disability.
Assistance dogs are permitted access to THX Ltd premises under the control of their handlers. When assistance dogs are on our premises, their owners must comply with the following guidelines:
- Information – Owners shall provide information about the animal and its tasks/duties.
- Identification – Owners must ensure that their assistance dogs are clearly identifiable by the use of special collars, harnesses and/or ID tags when on duty.
- Insurance – Owners are responsible for ensuring that their assistance dogs are covered by full liability.
- Access Restrictions –
Owners must respect access restrictions. Owners must ensure that assistance dogs do not enter staff privately assigned spaces without permission. - Animal Misbehaviour – Preventing and correcting assistance dog’s misbehaviour is the owner’s responsibility. Assistance dog owners must make sure that their assistance dogs do not cause harm or injury to others.
- Cleanliness – Registered blind people are not required to clean up after their assistance dogs, but they are expected to have received the appropriate training to avoid dog waste on site.
age equality
The Company will provide a working environment free from discrimination on the grounds of age and recognises the valuable contributions made by staff of all ages.
The Company will not discriminate on the grounds of age in the way it recruits and selects staff. In order not to discriminate against young workers, the Company will recognise skills and potential, as well as experience.
All instances of age discrimination or age harassment will be recorded and taken seriously. Deliberate or serious age discrimination is viewed as a serious disciplinary offence and may lead to dismissal.